
What Counts as Negligent Security?

Published on Dec 27, 2024 at 9:30 pm in Negligent Security.

When you enter a store, you expect it to be safe. You might not like what the store is selling, but you shouldn’t be harmed when shopping.

The same holds true if you go into a restaurant, bar, nightclub, or any other public gathering space. The property owner is responsible for creating a safe environment for their customers.

How To Sue an Apartment Complex for Negligent Security

Published on Jul 9, 2024 at 7:44 pm in Negligent Security.

How to sue an apartment complex for negligent security

United States Census Bureau data shows that 31.8% of Maryland residents are renters. There are many benefits to renting an apartment, such as having a fixed monthly rent with no property taxes and having property repairs handled by the landlord or property management company.

What you may not realize, though, is that among their many responsibilities, your landlord also has a “duty of care” to keep you, your fellow residents, and invited guests reasonably safe. If a criminal incident causes you to suffer serious injuries or property loss, can you hold that landlord liable? Technically, you can, but proving such cases can be quite challenging. Continue reading, where we’ll discuss how to sue an apartment complex for negligent security if you opt to pursue this option.

What Are Some Examples of Inadequate Security for a Business?

Published on Mar 26, 2024 at 7:05 pm in Negligent Security.

What are some examples of inadequate security for a business


When entering a Maryland place of business, whether as an employee or a customer, there are many things you may be thinking about, but your personal safety should not be one of them. Businesses have a responsibility and a duty of care to provide a safe environment free of potential accidents or acts of physical harm.

In today’s fast-paced world, businesses are constantly facing threats from various sources, including physical incidents. In 2022 alone, situations like these reportedly cost companies an estimated $1 trillion in revenue.

What Qualifies as Pain and Suffering?

Published on Feb 20, 2024 at 8:38 pm in Negligent Security.

What Qualifies as Pain and Suffering?

The pain and suffering experienced by someone after being injured can have a serious, even life-long impact on the victim’s life.

In the context of personal injury cases, understanding the legal standards for pain and suffering, especially when due to negligence or intentional wrongdoing, is crucial. It not only helps you determine if you qualify for compensation but also provides guidance on how to pursue that compensation effectively.

What Are the Five Elements of Negligence

Published on Feb 13, 2024 at 7:25 pm in Negligent Security.

What are the 5 Elements of Negligence

In the 1830s and 1840s, negligence law in the United States was just getting started, and the whole idea behind it was pretty simple: If you’re careless and you harm someone, you should be held responsible for it.

As time went on, the key elements of negligence in law became more clearly defined. Most folks agreed on four main parts: duty, breach, cause, and damage, as laid down in the original Restatement of Torts from 1934.

In its latest version, the Third Restatement of Torts (2010/2012), it added one more essential element to the list: Proximate Cause. Whether it’s four elements or five, legal negligence is all about holding people accountable for causing harm through carelessness.

How Common Are Security Guard Negligence Cases?

Published on Dec 4, 2023 at 10:39 pm in Negligent Security.

How Common Are Security Guard Negligence Cases
Security guard negligence cases are more common than one might think, and understanding the prevalence of such cases is crucial in recognizing the impact they have on victims. Negligence on the part of security guards can lead to severe consequences, including physical harm, property damage, and emotional distress.

This post will discuss some of the legal responsibilities of a security guard, what constitutes negligence, how common these cases are, and what you can do if you’ve suffered due to security guard negligence.

How Do I File a Civil Lawsuit for Negligent Security at a Hotel?

Published on Jul 24, 2023 at 7:13 pm in Negligent Security.

How Do I File a Civil Lawsuit for Negligent Security at a Hotel
As a hotel guest, you put your trust in the property owner, whether you realize it or not. You trust that no one can enter your room while you’re sleeping. You trust that you won’t be ambushed while walking to your car. You trust that giving your credit card to the front desk employee is a secure procedure.

In fact, you put more than just your trust in a property owner. When you stay at a hotel, you put your very life in the hands of the party responsible for securing the premises from the actions of criminals.

So what happens if your trust is misplaced? What if someone does enter your room while you’re sleeping, ambush you in the parking lot, or pull a gun in the hotel lobby?

Are you wondering: How do I file a civil lawsuit for negligent security at a hotel? Belsky & Horowitz, LLC can guide you through this complicated legal process. Please contact our office to discuss your case with a member of our team. There is no cost or obligation to learn your legal options.

What Happens When a Security Guard Is Negligent?

Published on Apr 28, 2023 at 8:13 pm in Negligent Security.

What Happens When a Security Guard Is Negligent?

You may visit several places in or around Baltimore that have security guards, from banks to grocery stores, shopping centers or malls, hospitals and schools, government buildings, apartment complexes, and more. The presence of a security guard gives most individuals who work or visit those places of business a sense that they’re safe; however, that’s not always the case.

While some security guards are armed, others are not. Even if they are, they may not be in the right place at the right time or well-trained enough to de-escalate a situation before damage is done. There’s then a situation where a security guard may be aware of their responsibilities but not carry them out.

It may be possible to hold a security guard or the entity that hired them liable in scenarios like the ones described above. We’ll delve deeper into your options when you get hurt due to a security guard’s negligence below.

What Is Negligent Security?

Published on Mar 17, 2023 at 6:04 pm in Negligent Security.

What Is Negligent Security
When someone owns a property in Maryland, the law requires them to keep those premises safe for people who live and visit. That includes things like maintaining walking areas and keeping the premises safe from fall hazards. But it also means protecting against foreseeable crime.

So what is negligent security? Negligent security means that a crime could have been prevented (or at least made less likely) if adequate security measures had been in place. It means there was a failure to prevent foreseeable criminal conduct from happening on the property.

5 Examples of Negligent Security

Published on Dec 16, 2022 at 8:54 pm in Negligent Security.

5 Examples of Negligent Security

Negligent security arises whenever security measures are nonexistent, broken, ineffective, or inadequate. When negligent security is an issue, visitors, guests, tenants, and residents of a property can become injured or killed by criminal activity. Crimes as serious as assault, robbery, kidnapping, carjacking, and rape can result due to poor security measures on the premises.

A property owner who fails to protect against foreseeable crimes may be held liable through legal action for the injuries their negligence caused.



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