
What Are the Fines for Using a Smartphone While Driving in Maryland?

Published on May 14, 2020 at 5:18 pm in Car Accidents.

Driver holding phone

Using a cell phone while driving in Maryland is against the law. While this is a step in the right direction for preventing deaths from smartphone-related distracted driving accidents, people still use their cell phones behind the wheel. In 2017, 14% of fatalities in distracted driving crashes were specifically caused by cell phone use, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Even though our state has these laws in place for the safety of everybody on the road, people still break the law every day.

Can Phone Manufacturers Create a Cell Phone That Prevents Use While Driving?

Published on Apr 23, 2020 at 3:32 pm in Car Accidents.

Person holding phone while driving

Everyone knows that texting and driving is dangerous, but that doesn’t stop negligent drivers from doing it. When a person isn’t fully focused on the road in front of them, the chances of an accident happening skyrocket. While most states have bans on texting and driving, state laws don’t always seem to be a strong enough deterrent.

Wireless companies are well aware of the problem, as many of them have instituted safe driving campaigns to discourage distracted driving. Those companies, however, may be able to do more. Let’s take a look at the possibility of phone manufacturers creating a cell phone that prevents use while driving.

How Many Car Accidents Does the Average Person Have?

Published on Apr 2, 2019 at 3:36 pm in Car Accidents.

It’s likely you know someone who was in a car accident. You, yourself, may have gone through the experience and are looking for options to aid in your recovery. Auto accidents are a common occurrence. Every day, there are thousands of car accidents all over the country. As a result, 20 to 50 million people are injured, and around one million victims lose their lives. But, how many times in your life will you be involved in a collision?

It’s not always possible for a driver to avoid a wreck with another vehicle. There are factors, like poor road conditions and inclement weather, that make it difficult or impossible for drivers to control their vehicles. In most situations, however, wrecks are completely preventable and occur as a result of human error or negligence.

How to Find Out if a Car Accident Has Been Reported

Published on Mar 19, 2019 at 6:44 pm in Car Accidents.

In a serious accident involving injury or significant property damage, having a police report filed is an important part of making sure the details of the event are accurately recorded. Once you’ve contacted the authorities, they’ll investigate the scene and file their report. It’s important to understand how to find out if a report has been filed and how to access it, as the information on there can help you build a case against the other driver if you’re seeking compensation for the crash.

When are Police Reports Filed for Car Crashes in Maryland?

In Maryland, car accidents aren’t typically investigated by law enforcement when the only consequence is minor property damage – so drivers involved in crashes like that do not need to contact the police or file a report. Instead, drivers are required to move off the road and exchange information with each other. The Maryland State Police provides a Collision Information Exchange Form to make the process easier.

How Long Does a Hit-and-Run Investigation Take?

Published on Mar 5, 2019 at 2:51 pm in Car Accidents.

Finding yourself dealing with the ramifications of a car accident is bound to be stressful – especially if you’ve been injured. If, however, you’re the victim of a hit-and-run accident, the experience is likely to be that much more frustrating. Whether you were in the vehicle at the time of the accident or not, you’ll need to contact your insurance company and try to resolve the matter as efficiently as possible.

Drivers involved in crashes are supposed to stop their vehicles, assess the situation to determine if medical attention is required, share contact information with the other driver(s), and contact the police so an official report can be filed. In Maryland, it is illegal for drivers to leave the car accident scene without completing those steps. Punishments, depending on the severity of the wreck, may range from fines to point removal on their driver’s licenses, or even jail time.

What Information is Included on a Maryland Police Accident Report?

Published on Oct 4, 2018 at 3:35 pm in Car Accidents.

A police report can play a major role in how your insurance company views your car accident claim. While police officers are not dispatched for every accident, they are sent when someone has been injured, when the accident is blocking traffic, when any of the drivers are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or if the parties are fighting about what happened.

When the police officer arrives, they will talk with the involved parties, investigate and assess the accident scene, take photographs, talk to possible witnesses, and generate their report. The reports contain a variety of information; however, it’s important to understand that no two reports are the same. Every police department is likely to have their own form and their own way of generating the reports.

If you’ve been in an accident in Maryland, it’s important to understand how the information on the police accident report can affect your settlement offer. Let’s take a closer look at police accident reports in our state, so you have an idea what to expect in the event you’ve been in an accident.



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