
Can a Passenger be Liable for a Car Accident?

Published on Dec 31, 2024 at 8:25 pm in Car Accidents.

Can a Passenger be Liable for a Car Accident?There were more than 110,000 reported car accidents in Maryland in 2022, with about 28,000 of these resulting in physical injuries to drivers or passengers, and more than 500 fatalities according to reports by the Maryland Department of Transportation.

When you think of car accidents, it’s easy to just assume that the drivers involved are the ones responsible for the accident, right?  After all, they’re the ones behind the wheel, making decisions, and controlling the vehicle.

But what about passengers? Can a passenger be liable for a car accident in Maryland?

While it’s not common, there are certainly circumstances when one or more passengers could bear some responsibility for a crash. Let’s take a close look at this issue, and examine when and how passengers might be held accountable in Maryland.

What Are the Seat Belt Laws in Maryland?

Published on Dec 17, 2024 at 9:11 pm in Car Accidents.

In 2022, just 45% of fatally injured passenger vehicle occupants were using seat belts at the time of their accident, according to reports by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

Seat belts save lives. That’s not just a popular saying; it’s a fact. In Maryland, seat belt laws are in place and enforced to help ensure the safety of drivers and passengers on our roads. Regardless of whether you’re new to the state or a longtime resident, knowing and understanding these laws can be crucial for your safety in a car accident, as well as to avoid tickets, fines, or other legal consequences.

Here in the Old Line State, we have some of the strictest seat belt laws in the country, and compliance isn’t just encouraged—it’s required.

What Percent of Car Accidents Are Caused By Drunk Driving?

Published on Aug 27, 2024 at 5:23 pm in Car Accidents.

What Percent of Car Accidents Are Caused By Drunk Driving?In 2016, the Maryland legislature passed the Drunk Driving Reduction Act or “Noah’s Law.” This states that any driver convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol is required to install an ignition device in their car. The law is named after Noah Leotta, a police officer killed at a DUI checkpoint. It is also a clear indication that despite all the attention, drunk driving is still a major concern for anyone on the road. It leads to catastrophic car crashes in Baltimore. What percent of car accidents are caused by drunk driving in Maryland?

According to data collected by the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility, the percentage of alcohol-impaired driving fatalities in Maryland is 32.1%. That translates to 167 deaths attributed to DUIs. The national percentage is 28.1%, with a total of 10,142 deaths.

What Are the Three Main Types of Distracted Driving?

Published on Aug 13, 2024 at 7:10 pm in Car Accidents.

What Are the Three Main Types of Distracted Driving?

At the start of the auto revolution, there were no car radios, GPS, or cell phones. There also weren’t any windshield wipers or seat belts. Through the years, car makers have added more and more features to their vehicles. Today, there is a lot of technology that is standard with every automobile. Sadly, that presents a lot of opportunities for motorists to succumb to one of the three main types of distracted driving.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Nine people in the United States are killed every day in crashes that are reported to involve a distracted driver.” That makes distracted driving an ongoing problem for everyone on the road. One of the most effective ways to prevent distracted driving is to recognize the three types of distractions that you might engage in while driving.

What Makes Sideswipe Collisions So Dangerous?

Published on Jul 9, 2024 at 7:23 pm in Car Accidents.

What makes sideswipe collisions so dangerous?

There is no such thing as a “good” car accident. Whether it is a rear-end, head-on, or T-bone collision, these accidents cause severe injuries and costly damage.

Data collected by the National Safety Council (NSC) suggests that sideswipe collisions account for 8.2% of all car accident fatalities. Although not as common as the other types of wrecks, there are many reasons why sideswipe collisions are so dangerous. Let’s explore why that’s the case.

What Is Diminished Value After a Car Accident?

Published on Jun 25, 2024 at 7:24 pm in Car Accidents.

What is diminished value after a car accident?

If you truly want to maintain the value of your car, you should never drive it off the dealer’s lot. The moment you drive away, your car’s value depreciates as much as 10%, and within a year, that depreciation goes up by as much as 20%.

After a crash, one question you may want to find yourself needing to answer is, “What is diminished value after a car accident?” Why does this amount matter? It could affect the amount of compensation you receive, although that depends on many factors, starting with who was at fault for the Baltimore wreck that seriously injured you and damaged your vehicle.

What’s the Statute of Limitations for a Hit-and-Run Claim?

Published on May 7, 2024 at 7:39 pm in Car Accidents.

What's the statute of limitations for a hit-and-run claim?

Being involved in any kind of vehicle collision can be traumatic and disorienting. Not only might you and your passengers be hurt, but your vehicle is likely damaged, and you may be stuck in a dangerous spot,  such as the middle of fast traffic. To make things worse, the driver who caused your accident then flees the scene.

A hit-and-run accident is a crime in Maryland, that occurs when a driver collides with another vehicle, pedestrian, or stationary object and then leaves the scene. The aftermath of a hit-and-run accident can be devastating and frustrating and leave you reeling and unsure of what to do next.

What Types of Car Accidents Are Most Fatal?

Published on Apr 9, 2024 at 7:03 pm in Car Accidents.

What types of car accidents are most fatal?

When it comes to road safety, understanding the dynamics of car accidents is paramount.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) projected that 42,795 people would die in motor vehicle crashes in the United States in 2022.

While every accident is unique, certain types of collisions tend to be more severe and carry a higher risk of fatalities. By delving into the characteristics of these accidents, we can gain valuable insights into how to prevent them and promote safer driving practices.

What Does a Flashing Yellow Light Mean in Maryland?

Published on Mar 20, 2024 at 10:06 pm in Car Accidents.

What does a flashing yellow light mean in Maryland?

In the intricate dance of traffic signals, each color and pattern carries its own message, guiding drivers safely through intersections and roadways.

Among these signals, the blinking yellow light stands out as a symbol of caution, urging drivers to proceed with care. But what exactly does it signify, especially in the context of Maryland’s traffic regulations?

Let’s delve into the nuances of the flashing yellow light and its implications for drivers navigating the roads of the Old Line State, Maryland.

What To Do If You’ve Been Injured by an Impaired Driver in Maryland

Published on Feb 6, 2024 at 7:27 pm in Car Accidents.

What to Do if You've Been Injured by an Impaired Driver in Maryland

When you’re driving home from a long day at work or on your way out to meet family or friends for dinner, the last thing on your mind is being in a car accident. Unfortunately, accidents are far too common, and accidents caused by impaired drivers claim the lives of more than 10,000 people in the United States every year. If you’ve been injured by an impaired driver in Maryland, our team of experienced Baltimore car accident lawyers is here to fight for the compensation you deserve.



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