
What Happens if Someone Who Isn’t on Your Insurance Crashes Your Car?

Published on Nov 17, 2023 at 9:46 pm in Car Accidents.

What Happens if Someone Who Isn't on Your Insurance Crashes Your Car
You know the drill: Your teenager missed the school bus this morning, or maybe your neighbor’s car won’t start, and they’re late for work, or Aunt Helen is in town for the weekend and wants to visit some old friends. You hand over the keys to your car and get back to your day, happy in the knowledge that you were able to help a friend or family member.

Then, you get the dreaded phone call. There was black ice, or someone ran the light, or the car in front of them on the freeway just stopped without warning. Now you start to worry, asking yourself, “What happens if someone who’s not on my insurance crashes my car?” Do you know what to say when your panicked borrower is on the line, sitting in the middle of an intersection, peppering you with questions?

What Information to Collect in a Truck Accident

Published on Nov 17, 2023 at 9:28 pm in Truck Accidents.

What Information to Collect in a Truck Accident
Let’s face it: no matter how careful you (or other drivers) are, vehicle accidents happen. While accidents are an annoying fact of life, reaching out to an experienced Baltimore truck lawyer will help ensure it’s as painless and frustration-free as possible. Nothing is going to make a vehicular accident a happy, carefree experience, but there are some steps that you can take immediately following an incident to minimize future frustration and confusion.

Taking the proper actions and knowing what information to collect in any vehicle accident can help to address financial liability, responsibility, and compensation following an accident, especially with incidents involving 18-wheelers or other commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) and the laws involving them. In this blog post, we will provide you with the additional essential information you should collect immediately after a commercial vehicle accident, as well as what should be collected as it becomes available.

Do I Need a Lawyer for an Uninsured Motorist Claim?

Published on Oct 27, 2023 at 9:08 pm in Car Accidents.

Do I Need a Lawyer for an Uninsured Motorist Claim
Someone struck you here in Baltimore, and they either stopped and you discovered they were uninsured, or they didn’t pull over at all and instead fled the crash scene. If you have uninsured motorist coverage, that’s a good thing in a situation like this. However, if you’re wondering, “Do I need a lawyer for an uninsured motorist claim?” our skilled attorneys will hash that question out (and more) below.

What To Know About Uninsured Motorist Coverage in Maryland

Much like other states, Maryland has mandatory minimum insurance requirements. One of those requirements is uninsured or underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage. This means that your insurer should step in and pay any accident-related expenses you incur if the driver who strikes you either does not have insurance or has inadequate coverage to pay for the damages they caused. UM coverage would also cover you if a hit-and-run driver struck you.

Understanding the Basics of Workers’ Compensation

Published on Oct 6, 2023 at 9:16 pm in Workers Compensation.

Understanding the Basics of Workers’ Compensation
Earning a living shouldn’t be dangerous. But the reality for many people is that work can (and often does) pose a serious threat to their safety, well-being, and livelihood. Even if you haven’t been injured, we believe that it is the right of every worker in Maryland to have an understanding of the basics of workers’ compensation.

Key Questions We’ll Answer:

  • What is workers’ compensation?
  • Are workers’ compensation benefits temporary or permanent?
  • Which Maryland employers are required to have workers’ compensation coverage?
  • Who qualifies for workers’ compensation benefits?
  • What types of injuries and illnesses are covered by Maryland workers’ compensation?
  • What types of benefits are provided by workers’ compensation?
  • Do I have to report a work injury to my employer?
  • How long do I have to file a workers’ compensation claim?

Civil vs. Criminal Case Guide: The Plaintiff, Defendant, and Burden of Proof

Published on Sep 21, 2023 at 7:13 pm in Legal Information.

Civil vs. Criminal Case Guide - The Plaintiff, Defendant, and Burden of Proof
There are a lot of legal terms that get thrown around on TV shows and in casual conversation. Plaintiff. Defendant. Burden of proof. Beyond a reasonable doubt. Verdict. Acquittal.

But what do all these terms really mean? If you find yourself involved in any kind of real legal matter, you quickly realize how important these words are to your future.

Here is our civil vs. criminal case guide to the legal terms: plaintiff, defendant, and burden of proof. With any questions about a civil or criminal legal matter in which you or a loved one are involved, please contact the Maryland trial lawyers at Belsky & Horowitz, LLC to set up a case consultation.

When Does Workers’ Comp Start Paying Benefits?

Published on Sep 21, 2023 at 6:39 pm in Workers Compensation.

When Does Workers' Comp Start Paying Benefits
If you develop an occupational illness or get hurt on the job in Baltimore and you find yourself unable to work, the good news is that there’s a strong chance that your employer is required to have workers’ compensation coverage and that you can receive any benefits you’re entitled to for your job-related condition. Many individuals, perhaps including yourself, may live paycheck-to-paycheck, though. This often leads prospective clients to ask our Belsky & Horowitz, LLC team when workers’ comp starts paying benefits in Maryland. Continue reading where we’ll respond to this very critical question.

Information To Exchange in a Car Accident

Published on Aug 25, 2023 at 7:42 pm in Car Accidents.

Information To Exchange in a Car Accident
Data published by the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) shows some pretty alarming trends, one of which is that 16.2% of all serious auto accident injuries for 2020 occurred here in Baltimore despite the fact that only 9.8% of our state’s population resides within city limits. Considering how other MDOT data from 2022 shows that there were nearly 18,000 traffic accidents reported for our city alone in 2021, that means there are likely many situations in which motorists had to make on-the-spot decisions about what to do at their crash scenes.

Individuals involved in crashes often find themselves stressed and disoriented right after a crash occurs, which can make it challenging to know what steps to take to ensure the best outcome should they ultimately decide to file a claim to recover compensation for their injuries, lost earnings, and other costs they incur due to their involvement in it. Below, we’ll address which information to exchange in a car accident, so you’ll have a resource to reference if you have the misfortune of becoming involved in a crash in Baltimore or elsewhere in Maryland.

Does Surgery Increase a Workers’ Comp Settlement?

Published on Aug 25, 2023 at 7:37 pm in Workers Compensation.

Does Surgery Increase a Workers’ Comp Settlement
After suffering a serious on-the-job injury or developing a work-related illness, you know that you need help sooner rather than later. Depending on your situation, it may be appropriate to seek a one-time, lump-sum payment rather than the payments over time that are typically associated with workers’ compensation.

Before you decide which approach is best for your situation, let’s answer some important questions about the different types of workers’ compensation benefits and whether surgery increases a workers’ comp settlement.

The Role of Expert Witnesses in a Workers’ Compensation Case

Published on Aug 25, 2023 at 7:28 pm in Workers Compensation.

The Role of Expert Witnesses in a Workers’ Compensation Case
You were injured at work, and now you need help making ends meet and paying your medical bills. So why was your workers’ comp claim denied?

If you’re still fighting for the benefits you know you’re owed, it’s time to learn more about the role of expert witnesses in a workers’ compensation case. This could be the component that’s missing from your claim.

Key Takeaways

  • An expert witness can provide knowledgeable testimony based on their unique field or profession.
  • There are rules you must follow when relying on the testimony of an expert witness.
  • Your workers’ compensation claim can be strengthened by an expert witness.

How To Calculate Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Published on Aug 25, 2023 at 7:23 pm in Workers Compensation.

How To Calculate Workers' Compensation Benefits
Do you know how to calculate workers’ compensation benefits in Maryland? The workers’ comp attorneys from Belsky & Horowitz, LLC explain the different types of workers’ compensation benefits and how to calculate them.

In our state, the Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission (WCC) recognizes several different types of benefits that qualified employees (or their family members) may be eligible to receive for an occupational injury, illness, or death.



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