
How Do I File a Civil Lawsuit for Negligent Security at a Hotel?

Published on Jul 24, 2023 at 7:13 pm in Negligent Security.

How Do I File a Civil Lawsuit for Negligent Security at a Hotel
As a hotel guest, you put your trust in the property owner, whether you realize it or not. You trust that no one can enter your room while you’re sleeping. You trust that you won’t be ambushed while walking to your car. You trust that giving your credit card to the front desk employee is a secure procedure.

In fact, you put more than just your trust in a property owner. When you stay at a hotel, you put your very life in the hands of the party responsible for securing the premises from the actions of criminals.

So what happens if your trust is misplaced? What if someone does enter your room while you’re sleeping, ambush you in the parking lot, or pull a gun in the hotel lobby?

Are you wondering: How do I file a civil lawsuit for negligent security at a hotel? Belsky & Horowitz, LLC can guide you through this complicated legal process. Please contact our office to discuss your case with a member of our team. There is no cost or obligation to learn your legal options.

What Are the Common Hurdles When Applying for Workers’ Comp?

Published on Jul 24, 2023 at 7:05 pm in Workers Compensation.

What Are the Common Hurdles When Applying for Workers' Comp
Each year, hundreds of thousands of individuals suffer injuries while on the job in the U.S. The 2022 Annual Report published by the Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission (WCC) shows that there were 22,075 claims filed between the fiscal year July 1, 2022, and June 30, 2022 here in our state alone.

As for the source of these on-the-job injuries or occupational disease claims (and respective appeals), the following Maryland counties (and one city) made it onto the top 5 list, according to the most recent WCC data for 2022:

  • Baltimore County: 3,832 claims, 284 appeals
  • Prince George’s County: 2,969 claims, 258 appeals
  • Baltimore City: 2,922 claims, 178 appeals
  • Montgomery County: 1,963 claims, 186 appeals
  • Anne Arundel County: 1,787 claims, 118 appeals

While many employers in Baltimore may be of assistance to their employees as they look to file a claim to receive benefits they may be entitled to, doing so comes at a cost in terms of higher premiums with each filing their workers make. Thus, many companies may be far less than assistive in equipping their workers with the necessary insight about filing a claim to receive compensated medical care or recover lost wages after a workplace accident or occupational illness sets in.

Will Filing for Bankruptcy Affect My Job?

Published on Jul 24, 2023 at 7:00 pm in Bankruptcy.

Will Filing for Bankruptcy Affect My Job
It’s never easy to realize that you have more debt than you can pay back. But for some people, what’s even more upsetting is wondering, “Will filing for bankruptcy affect my job?”

Key Points

  • In most cases, bankruptcy will have little to no impact on your job.
  • Your employer may become aware of your bankruptcy under certain circumstances.
  • Filing for bankruptcy can potentially impact your employment if you have a security clearance.

What Are the Chances That Filing for Bankruptcy Will Impact My Job?

For most people, filing for bankruptcy will have virtually no impact on their current job. However, certain individuals working under specific circumstances might see a minor impact on their current employment.

To be able to make the most informed decision possible, you need to have a firm understanding of all potential impacts that filing for bankruptcy may have on your life—both positive and negative. So while most people find that pursuing bankruptcy is a smart option for financial security, others may need to weigh possible job-related concerns.

Can You Work While Accepting Workers’ Compensation in Maryland?

Published on Jul 7, 2023 at 10:34 pm in Workers Compensation.

Can You Work While Accepting Workers' Compensation in Maryland
Many people who are injured at work find themselves looking for new employment while still recovering from injuries. This may be to earn added income while unable to return to work. Or it may be to look for a new career path altogether.

There are many reasons this can happen, and it leaves many workers wondering about the future of their workers’ comp benefits. Can you work at another job while accepting workers’ compensation in Maryland?

The experienced workers’ comp team at Belsky & Horowitz, LLC wants to help you understand your rights and obligations when it comes to working while accepting benefits. Let’s look at a few commonly asked questions about workers’ compensation laws in Maryland.

Does Workers’ Compensation Affect Future Employment?

Published on Jun 16, 2023 at 8:09 pm in Workers Compensation.

Does Workers' Compensation Affect Future Employment
Each year, various workers suffer injuries or fall ill while on the clock at work here in Baltimore. In fact, data published by the Maryland Occupational Safety and Health (MOSH) for the most recently documented year (2017) shows that 62,600 nonfatal workplace illnesses or injuries were reported to the state agency that year.

While the likelihood is that the overwhelming majority of the workers who suffered on-the-job injuries or illnesses ultimately recovered from their injuries and were able to go back to work, there’s a chance that they couldn’t return to their previous role and had to find another type of job. In this situation, you may wonder how workers’ compensation affects future employment. We’ll let you know what impact, if any, it has below.

Do You Have To Go to Court To File for Bankruptcy?

Published on Jun 16, 2023 at 8:03 pm in Bankruptcy.

Do You Have To Go to Court To File for Bankruptcy
It doesn’t matter whether your debt slowly crept up over time or if you were hit with several large bills in a short period of time—if you’re unable to repay your debts, you need help. Depending on your situation, filing for personal bankruptcy can be the step that opens up a path to financial freedom and stability in the future.

The beginning of this process can sometimes raise more questions than it initially answers, though. So if you’re asking, “Do you have to go to court to file for bankruptcy?” read on to learn more.

How To Check a Commercial Driver’s Car Accident History

Published on Jun 16, 2023 at 7:57 pm in Truck Accidents.

How To Check a Commercial Driver's Car Accident History
After a commercial trucking crash, a serious investigation into the driver, motor carrier, and other involved parties needs to be conducted. This is a critical step in assigning liability and restoring justice to the injured party.

We at Belsky & Horowitz, LLC explain how to check a commercial driver’s car accident history. If you have questions about a collision in which you or a loved one were injured, please reach out to our office to discuss your case for free with one of our trucking accident experts.

Can You Claim Chronic Injuries for Workers’ Compensation?

Published on May 26, 2023 at 8:08 pm in Workers Compensation.

Can You Claim Chronic Injuries for Workers' Compensation?

If you were asked to describe situations that may allow you to secure workers’ compensation benefits in Baltimore, you might describe a condition with a sudden onset, like:

  • A slip and fall injury sustained by a worker on a slippery bathroom floor
  • An employee who’s struck by a falling object dropped by a fellow construction worker overhead
  • A worker who gets hurt in a car accident while making a sales call for their job
  • A situation where an employee gets an arm caught in a piece of machinery at their manufacturing job

There are countless other types of injuries that can leave someone hurt, though.

Is It Possible To Get Back Pay for Workers’ Comp?

Published on May 12, 2023 at 8:16 pm in Workers Compensation.

Is It Possible To Get Back Pay for Workers’ Comp?

The vast majority of employers in Maryland are required by law to maintain workers’ compensation insurance coverage for their employees, including those who work both part-time and full-time. For injured workers, these benefits provide a crucial financial lifeline during a period of their lives that is otherwise marked by struggle.

The importance of workers’ compensation benefits cannot be understated. When you are injured and unable to work, your financial security may begin to rapidly deteriorate. At Belsky & Horowitz, LLC, we believe that it is the right of every individual to have a working understanding of what benefits they are entitled to and how they will be paid.

This includes having an understanding of when it is possible to get back pay for workers’ comp.

Workers’ Compensation Benefits for Public Safety Workers in Maryland

Published on May 5, 2023 at 8:16 pm in Workers Compensation.

Workers’ Compensation Benefits for Public Safety Workers in Maryland

Public safety workers in Maryland are given certain benefits through the state workers’ compensation commission. Below, we discuss the rights afforded by law to some of the hardest workers in our state.

If you are a public safety worker who has experienced an on-the-job injury or occupational illness, please contact Belsky & Horowitz, LLC to discuss the specifics of your case in person. We understand the nuances of workers’ comp cases involving public safety employees and will be glad to review your legal options with you at no cost during a courtesy case evaluation.



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